
Alongside our general planning (cities, states, method of transport etc) we have also been gathering information about places we'd like to visit as we travel.

For many months now I have been making notes of any places which have piqued my interest which may be along our proposed routes, I've used so many sources for this information it's difficult to list them all but they include; random posts online (reddit etc), travel blogs, TV programs, travel brochures, photographers, news items, first hand recommendations, second hand 'I know somebody who went to...' etc.

I add to this list daily and some of you are probably familiar with me taking my phone out to make notes whilst telling me about your trip to somewhere in Canada, USA or NZ.
I now have a good length list which contains more places than we could hope to visit and is broken down by country, state and city. I was never really sure what I was going to do with this information but today I found a great use for it.

Google Maps allows you to save places you wish to visit and displays the pins on your Google Map view, this morning I have started the process of plotting the locations for use whilst we are on the road, this will serve at a useful and interactive version of my list which we can use on the go. It will also assist with planning a route through the individual states in the US. 

The image below shows what I've saved for in and around Toronto so far, this means when we're in the city we'll have our own personalised guidebook! 

Looking good! 


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