This post is a little late, we left Vancouver 5 days ago! Since picking up the Campervan we've had very limited access to the outside world (not complaining!). Our stay in Vancouver turned into a R&R break more than we had planned. Having explored Toronto at length neither of us felt the need to explore Vancouver in the same detail, neither of us being city people. Amongst our relaxing we did take a trip out to Stanley park where we hired bikes and cycled the perimeter enjoying the coastline and views of downtown Vancouver. We saw a harbour seal, lots of herons, cormorants catching fish, fancy ducks and a pile of goslings. We also visited Capilano Suspension Bridge The above was supplemented with a little too much Netflix... Once our R&R was done it was time to head across town (3 busses and a train) to pick up our Campervan and home for the next 71 nights! Super slow internet in this lau...